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Alicia Dicks, president/CEO of the Community Foundation, will represent the region as a member of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board. The statewide panel will guide the state’s re-opening and recovery strategy from the effects of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

“I appreciate the opportunity to be part of the discussion that will provide valuable input from our community and those across the state as New York looks to a new future,” Dicks said in a statement. “None of us knows exactly how this will unfold, but together we will meet the challenges that lie ahead.”

An excerpt from the Governor’s news release;

Governor Cuomo also announced the creation of the New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board to help guide the state’s re-opening strategy. The advisory board will be chaired by Former Secretaries to Governor Steve Cohen and Bill Mulrow and includes over 100 business, community and civic leaders from industries across the state.

“We’ve come up with a phased plan to re-open New York so every region in the state has the same opening template as we begin this process,” Governor Cuomo said. “We have to be smart about this – emotions can’t drive our re-opening process – and we’ve come up with factual data points that each region must monitor as they begin to re-open. We’ve also created a New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board made up of business, academic, community and civic leaders from across the state to help guide this process and ensure businesses are following the necessary guidelines to preserve public health as we work towards a new normal.”

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